Textile Across Urban Space: A Journey from Delhi to Zurich

Textile and textile art hold a crucial world historical significance especially in its entanglements with urban space. This panel will explore this through a journey across space and time. In their talk, Nitin Bathla and Sumedha Garg will foreground their art practice with women garment and textile workers in Delhi with the city’s contemporary extended urbanisation. Miriam Bettin, the second speaker, will explore the emancipatory quality of textile art in her talk, surveying contemporary artistic strategies of textile-based art and their antiracist, anticolonial, and queer-feminist moment. She will attempt to undo the patriarchal belittling of textile art as decorative and primitive, female connotated craft media through charting the radical shift from the formal austerity, minimal and rationalist concepts of Western Modern art, towards a broad accessibility, flat hierarchies, and democratization. In closing the panel, Joya Indermühle will bring the discussion back to Switzerland, exploring the historical entanglements between India and Switzerland around textile. She will share reflections from her curation of the 2019-2020 exhibition «Indiennes. Material for a thousand stories» at the Landesmuseum Zürich.

Moderated by: Christian Schmid

Miriam Bettin
Joya Indermühle
Nitin Bathla
Sumedha Garg

Registration required: anmeldung@zaz-bellerive.ch

Admission fee: CHF 15.- | reduced CHF 10.- (students, Kulturlegi, AHV/IV)

In response to requests from people living outside Zurich, and also in view of the still ongoing pandemic, this event takes place as a hybrid format on Zoom, that allows you to interact virtually.
Meeting-ID: 634 4937 0310

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